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Path of SOULIK Plotted with WRF

최종 수정일: 2021년 5월 17일

This is the path of Typhoon SOULIK plotted by WRF.

The location was marked per every day from 12:00 on the 17th to 12:00 on the 20th, and since then, it is plotted per 12 hours. In fact, compared to SOULIK's path announced by the Korea Meteorological Administration, it was found that the conspiracy to be much more left-leaning.


; Reference:



; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer

; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"


;---Open WRF output file.

idir = "/home/numodel2/SOULIK/WRFOUT/"

ifil = "wrfout_d01_2018-08-15_12:00:00"

a = addfile(idir + ifil, "r")

;---Read lat/lon and time

lat2d = a->XLAT(0,:,:)

lon2d = a->XLONG(0,:,:)

lon1d = ndtooned(lon2d) ; convert 2-D array to 1-D array

lat1d = ndtooned(lat2d)

; Times for ndate

times = a->Times

sdate = tostring(times(:,8:9))+tostring(times(:,11:12)) ; ddhh

ndate = dimsizes(sdate)

; Array for saving index

imin = new(ndate,integer)

jmin = new(ndate,integer)

smin = new(ndate,integer)

; Array for plotting center of typhoon

dot = new(ndate,graphic) ; Make sure each gsn_add_polyxxx call

line = new(ndate,graphic) ; is assigned to a unique variable.

;---Find best track

do it = 48, ndate-1

; Read sea level pressure

slp2d = wrf_user_getvar(a,"slp",it)

dims = dimsizes(slp2d)

; We need to convert 2-D array to 1-D array to find the minima.

slp1d = ndtooned(slp2d)

smin(it) = minind(slp1d)

; Convert the index for 1-D array back to the indeces for 2-D array.

minij = ind_resolve(ind(slp1d.eq.min(slp2d)),dims)

imin(it) = minij(0,0)

jmin(it) = minij(0,1)

print(sdate(it)+" : "+min(slp2d)+" ("+imin(it)+","+jmin(it)+")")

end do

;---Set some basic plot options

type = "x11"

wks=gsn_open_wks(type,"track") ; Open wks

res = True

res@gsnDraw = False ; Turn off draw.

res@gsnFrame = False ; Turn off frame advance.

res@gsnMaximize = True ; Maximize plot in frame.

;---Necessary for contours to be overlaid correctly on WRF projection

res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True ; Tell NCL you are doing a native plot

res = wrf_map_resources(a,res)

res@tiMainString = "Typhoon SOULIK" ; Main title

plot = gsn_csm_map(wks,res) ; Create a map.

;---Set up resources for polylines.

res_lines = True

res_lines@gsLineThicknessF = 3. ; 3x as thick

res_lines@gsLineColor = cols(0)

;---Set up resources for date (Legend)

txres = True

txres@txFontHeightF = 0.015

txres@txFontColor = cols(0)

txres@txJust = "CenterRight"

ijump = 12

do i = 48, ndate-1, ijump

dot(i) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon1d(smin(i)),lat1d(smin(i)),gsres)

if ( i .lt. ndate-ijump) then



line(i) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xx,yy,res_lines)

end if

ix = smin(i) - 3 ; keep distance from track

txid1 = gsn_add_text(wks,plot,sdate(i),lon1d(ix),lat1d(ix),txres)

end do




조회수 23회

최근 게시물

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